[what's brewing: something from the kids' menu!]

VBS in Paraguay!








--Dianne (Grammy)
The topic? Memories of a Significant Summer from Childhood
To participate, leave a comment with your 100 word writing entry on this topic. Comments must be left by 9am Mountain Standard Time (11am Eastern) on Monday, July 6. (Entries should be within 5 words of a 100-word entry limit. Save your more extended pieces for future opportunities and submissions to the WOTH magazine!)
As a reminder, each photo entry from last week and writing entry from this week will receive an entry into the drawing for our prize - a $20 gift card to their choice of Amazon.com, iTunes or Shutterfly.
Remember, we’re in this for the fun! This is a great chance to try your hand at a brief creative writing experience and share your experiences with the rest of us here at Coffeegirl Confessions.
[Editor’s Note: If you find you enjoy the writing process, consider writing an article for the WOTH onlineMagazine. Submit your piece for consideration to Cindy Blomquist, Editor. Did you know that every article in the magazine is written by women in cross-cultural service, just like you? WOTH relies on your words and submissions to encourage your sisters around the globe.]
What wonderful photos. I epecially enjoyed the sillouettes of the children as they leaped for the water, and those darling bath shots. Lovely.
{Sigh} Some of the loveliest pictures ever. Makes me want to move to Africa! :)
Those are such beautiful pictures! Each and every one made me smile! Great job, everyone!
OMG these pics melt my heart! gorgeous!
One 4th of July we sailed out to Catalina Island on my uncle’s boat with our whole family. I remember getting sea sick but loving the wind in my face. I was about seven or eight. We dove off the boat into the harbor to swim and ate sweet cold watermelon (even though I had dropped it and made it crack). We walked into the town and bought our own sparklers to light later. That night we watched the sky fill with beautiful colors reflected off the ocean from the fireworks overhead. It was a great time with my family.
The year my sister graduated from high school, we went as a family, with my grandparents, to Prince Edward Island. This was the first time we'd ever vacationed with my grandparents. We rented a house and stayed all together. My father let each of us choose an activity we wanted to do. So, my sister chose Anne of Green Gables' house, my brother and my dad went deep sea fishing, and my dad and I went horseback riding on the beach. It was the best vacation we ever had as a family!
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