Monday, October 31, 2011

Psalm 67: Ukranian Harvest

STORY BEHIND THE PHOTO: Picture Praise, 10/31/11

Each Fall in Ukraine, a harvest celebration takes place. It is called zhatva. A mountain of fruits and vegetables are the main attraction. Scripture is at the center of the display. This year, I was asked to help decorate. The morning of the decorating I read Psalm 67 and found it very appropriate for the day's activities. We rejoiced in God's bounty to us and providing us with food yet another year.

photographer: Jayne Russell, Ukraine. "I, too, rejoice at being in Ukraine. In November, I will celebrate 12 years on the field. I am glad to see the ultimate harvest as well."

1 comment:

Alida Sharp said...

Our first year in Russia we went to Ukraine to renew our Russian visas. We got there just in time to celebrate zhatva at the Baptist church. This photo took me right back there to that incredible service!


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