Monday, August 8, 2011

The Height of Worry

STORY BEHIND THE PHOTO: Picture Praise, 8/8/11

This picture was taken while I was attending a conference for United Christian Broadcasters in South Africa. At the conference, various radio broadcasters representing radio stations around the world--especially those in the Sub-Saharan portion of Africa--were discussing how to reach dying and crying humanity, the lost, with the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My heart broke regarding the lack of access to basic physical food and spiritual food for these people groups.

Afterwards during a scheduled break, I see the graceful, long-necked giraffe off to the side near the group of trees. The giraffe is contently munching on some tasty green leaves. Oh how effortless it looks and how natural it is; the Lord has given the giraffe the provision of a long neck to easily access nourishing food. Oh, that I would trust and concentrate on His provision and not let the cares of the world rob me of His perfect plan and purpose for my life and the lives of all that He has created.

photographer: Dawn Stallings, Golden Rule Broadcasting

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