[what's brewing: a break from the usual]
Jason often includes some photos in his PowerPoint presentation that supplements our midweek Bible study. Our church members love the visuals that he includes and it seems to help cement the concept in their mind more effectively than teaching alone. (Somehow it seems funny to me that we have PowerPoint capabilities in our church when the building is unfinished, the floor is a layer of rough cement and the bathroom hosts one toilet without a seat that must be flushed with a bucket of water. But I digress.)
While preparing his lesson this week, he was sorting through a number of pictures online and came across this photo. I know I’ve been feeling the need for lighthearted laughter after the chaos of the last two weeks of holiday, so I thought I’d introduce a little game here on CG Confessions this week called:
Jason often includes some photos in his PowerPoint presentation that supplements our midweek Bible study. Our church members love the visuals that he includes and it seems to help cement the concept in their mind more effectively than teaching alone. (Somehow it seems funny to me that we have PowerPoint capabilities in our church when the building is unfinished, the floor is a layer of rough cement and the bathroom hosts one toilet without a seat that must be flushed with a bucket of water. But I digress.)
While preparing his lesson this week, he was sorting through a number of pictures online and came across this photo. I know I’ve been feeling the need for lighthearted laughter after the chaos of the last two weeks of holiday, so I thought I’d introduce a little game here on CG Confessions this week called:
I hope you’ll join in and share a dose of laughter with us!
Just submit your pithy caption for the photo below in your comment this week and I’ll post the winner with the photo in the sidebar next Tuesday. (Winner receives a $15 iTunes gift card!)

[your caption here]
"Introducing the new 2009 model of our 'Light And Easy' yoke.
You’ll be swept off your feet as your burdens slide off the back!"
You want me to do what?!
"i told her out cart was full, but my wife couldn't live without her shoes!"
oops, typo... *our cart
U.P.S. cut backs in India have weighty results.
Dang! Forgot to put the lead shoes on the horse again!
"Man! I should have called in sick today!"
Who said donkeys can't fly? :)
Who said that there is not always room for one more?
Oh my, these are great! I am savoring these moments of laughter - thanks, friends!! It's already a tough competition and it's only Wednesday...
"Why sit down on the job, when you can just hang out?"
Eoyore -"Well, At least I've moved up in the world -heavy sigh!"
...and donkey is exposed as an imposter in the "heavyweight" class of the cart-pulling competition.
That's not what I meant when I said, "giddy-up boy."
I'm just a teen age donkey hanging out!
Do you think we can make it to the village with all these boxes?
I knew it! He's been dipping into the pixie dust again...
Help, Lord. I think I have taken on more than I can handle!
we had to discribe what was happening in this picture in language class. Thanks for the laugh!!
The best laid plans of mice and men. . .
Mose was clearly not ready for the heavyweight division.
The economy is so bad, people are going to extremes to save on fuel costs.
Hey! Boss? How do you like my Pegasus impression?
"maybe I spent a little too much today".
Now that's taking a load off your feet!
My New Year's resolution is working!! I am getting lighter!!
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